Sunday, October 25, 2009

November 2 Meeting

Here we are already into the fall season with many great opportunities for colorful images. Make sure to get out and enjoy the sights and sounds of this active season.

At our next meeting we will have another showcase. Although the site listed this showcase as (Places I Remember), we have stated that showcases are open to all subjects. This remains so for this showcase as well.

We will also have a review of the shelter tip by Matt Korbelak.

We are also going to have a timely tech talk on fast vs slow shutter speeds in action photography by Dan Tasikas. With our upcoming challenge (Action Photography) set for the meeting on November 16 this will be a great help in selecting how you want to capture those images.

Work is now being done by those who were selected to show their images at the upcoming exhibit at Bella Photo Art & Framing Gallery and I must say that these are impressive images. Keep Friday November 13 clear so that you can participate in the opening reception from 6-9PM. Keep in mind that 15% of all gallery sales from this show will go to help support the Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts and their Visual Arts Program. Bring along friends and hear the stories behind the images from the photographers who took them!

I look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting.